Mentoring Offerings

  • Oracle of the Heart sessions

    Oracle of the Heart sessions are focused on exploring your dreams and fulfilling your true destiny so that the earth can be healed. When we aren’t fulfilling our destiny, the earth becomes unwell, so the more we can align with our destiny, the more the earth can be healed.

    Oracle of the Heart sessions focus on gathering tools, seeing the condition of the spirit, and exploring the life dreams and destiny of the client.

    Each session opens with a prayer or sacred intention. We then look together at the condition of the soul and ask what the soul needs. Next, we move to the heart where we listen to the guardians and guides to ask which tools will be helpful in restoring the original dream of the client. The answers reveal what stream will be the next source of fulfillment, integrity, happiness, and well-being.

  • Individual, Partner, + Organization Mentoring

    “The intention of freedom is to free somebody else.” (Toni Morrison)

    How are we doing in the physical, practical, day-to-day aspect of our lives? How are we feeling about our lives, our relationships, and our work? What is the state of our spirit? All human beings and organizations have a spirit. Are we dispirited, disintegrating, or disenchanted? How can we re-enchant, integrate, inspire, and motivate ourselves?

    Mentoring touches on he most meaningful and impactful areas of our lives, and engages the possibilities that will support success with achievable outcomes and goals.

    Char Sundust is a teacher, mentor, healer, and visionary who assists others in cultivating and accessing their gifts by offering insight, information, and wisdom to create positive and sustainable changes.

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