Reviews + Testimonials

Reviews + Testimonials

The real deal…

“Char Sundust is a spiritual mentor and teacher of the highest caliber and the gift of her ability to navigate the vast yet intimate star-lit regions of the soul has and continues to be a healing influence in my life.

As a gay man acquainted with rejection by formalized spirit traditions, I met Char at a time when my dumpster was fully alight with the flames of despair and self loathing. She has patiently and tenderly - yet firmly - shown me the various ways and means whereby I reject myself, and has inspired me really to look at myself in an objective yet positive light, and empowered me with tools and methods to gather to myself a healthy sense of self love and esteem. This in turn allowed me to look again at my relationship to the divine, to be enthused about a healthy connection with others, and to find for myself a community that loves and uplifts me for who I am.

So, that happened. She has also taught me to feel my emotions of despair and of rage, and to embrace them in a safe container. This transformative initiatory process has allowed me to stoke the generative fire of my heart’s own calling in such as way so as to grant me access to my life dream and purpose, my love, and my light.

In short, Char connected me to my heart. As a result I now walk among the wakeful living with joy and equanimity.

If you are looking for a consummate guide to ford the rivers of your soul’s true intent, to help transform the “cherished wounds” that feed anything other than a positive sense of self identity, to engage life with a sense of wonder in the face of the divine, and to finally access your power, your vision, your love, and your wisdom - if you want to wake up to what you really, really want and to manifest the excellent reality of your life’s dream - give Char Sundust a call. She’s the real deal!

Enjoy the journey of your life!”

— Michael Cole, SoulFire Genesis Healing

Doing the work I came here to do…

“I come from a long line of Southern Methodist Ministers. Ceremony, ritual and storytelling are in my blood. From a very early age, it was clear that my gifts were related to connecting with nature and working with the land. When I began attending classes at Sundust Oracle Institute, I had been running my own specialty landscape gardening business for roughly three years. The business was succeeding, yet I yearned to incorporate the spiritual work I was raised with an held in my ancestral lineage with the scientific practice of horticulture that defined by day-to-day work - I just didn’t know how to articulate it. From my classes at Sundust Oracle Institute, I deepened my connections with the Spirits of the land in ways that I only remember from my happiest, most innocent days of childhood. I’ve regained a level of exquisite sensitivity and connection that I thought were long gone. With Char’s teaching and mentoring, I now bring a more holistic and balanced set of skills to the work that I do - merging the scientific and the spiritual, addressing both the visible and the non-visible aspects of the natural world. Thanks to Char, I feel that I’m doing the work I came into this life to do.”

— Jennifer Rotermund, Gaiaceous Gardens

In gratitude…

“I have been a student of Char Sundust since fall 2006. She has made such a profound, priceless impact on my life and the lives of so many. I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and Char has taught me about many cross-cultural philosophies of healing and wholeness. The work I have done with her ripples our daily to all my clients. She helped me develop my ability to hold deep, honorable space for my clients, while keeping impeccable boundaries. She has taught me how to be loving but firm with my clients so they feel safe. Char’s teachings have brought immense depth and soul to my work. I am forever grateful for her.”

— Katie McKenna, Vibrant Health

A trusted ally…

“A student of Char’s for a few years now, in the spirit of acknowledging my teacher and contributions for opportunities given and healings received, I wanted to write a review for the impact Char has had on my life. Really, the core of her work is transformation spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. The change she provided in my life was and continues to be amazing, and she gives an opportunity for people to begin accessing their own innate wisdom, creativity, and delight through teaching The Four Fold Way and an almost countless number of modalities. It’s always a journey with Char, and each trip takes me to new places in myself. What I would really like to say about Char is how deeply authentic and honest she is - there has never been a lack of trust with her or her intentions for supporting me in my path and to my deepest wants and desires. She is a trusted ally in spirit and in the physical. I could not have found a better teacher of core Shamanism and Mysticism in the age of integration and honesty.”

— Nicholas Freelove

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